Professional Data Recovery in Wilmington, NC

Professional Data Recovery in Wilmington, NC Welcome to Gillware Data Recovery at Computer Warriors – Wilmington’s Premier Partner for data recovery services. Whether you’ve lost important files, photos, or business documents, we’re here to help. Our expert engineers provide reliable,…
Fix Corrupted Video

Corrupted video files should be treated exactly like any other corrupt file. Users need to assess the impact of losing access to the video file and determine whether it’s worthwhile to attempt to fix corrupted video files. It’s possible to…
Veeam Backup Files are Unavailable

Gillware’s technicians are experts in Data Recovery and we have been in business since 2004. We have some of the very best data scientists and data experts in-house, and many of the team have been with us since the very…
Should I RAID Rebuild? When Rebuilding a RAID Is OK, and When It’s Not OK

There is only one scenario where it makes sense to rebuild a volume: The logical state of the union is good. The volume mounts, the system boots great, none of the data is corrupted – but one physical member disk…
RAID Puncture

Is RAID Still Used? There are many types of RAID configurations available. Some of the most popular are RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, and 10. RAID0 is sometimes called disk striping, which requires two or more hard drives and is…
Status of RAID: There Is No Volume Configured

You will see the “no volume is configured” message in a number of different scenarios; the most common is when you first create your storage volumes using the RAID controller. “No volume” can mean that you have a vanilla system,…
Error Code -36 Mac [Solved]

Mac OS error codes are usually few and far between. The average Mac user typically has a very reliable experience with their device; however, when things do go wrong with a Mac (and they sometimes do), they can break quite…
StorageCraft Cannot Consolidate Decompress Failed

StorageCraft is a US company owned by Arcserve focusing on delivering enterprise-grade data file protection, data management, and disaster recovery solutions to small and medium-sized businesses. Due to the popularity of these file recovery solutions, Gillware’s experts are skilled in…
Flash Memory Amnesia – Resurrecting Data through Direct Read of NAND Memory

“Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” That’s Murphy’s Law. How we deal with the fallout afterwards is what determines whether Murphy’s Law works for us or against us. In my first blog post, I reflected on the overlap and…